Hello there, it’s me, Iqram . Finally I manage to get myself sitting in front of my laptop to work on my blog. This is my first time writing a blog, so please bear with me. ( hope this will be the last one though). Without further delay, lets get straight to thing that I would like to share with you guys. Yes, you read the title right, its about beauty. What is beauty to you? Is it the sparkling eyes that portray beauty, or is it the bloody red lip, or maybe it is the pointy nose. You may be right, yeah all of you are right cause that’s sound beauty at least to me. The point is beauty can be define in many ways, depend on the individual perception. As the saying goes, beauty lies on the eyes of the beholder.

   However, beauty is not just that, it’s not physical appearance only that represent beauty. Beauty is more than that….Yes, I’m talking about the true beauty. Some may said beauty is subjective, but for me it is not fully subjective, there is an exact definition for beauty, there must be. I believe that true beauty shines from the inside out. Well as a man, if I’m going to pick my partner, I will definitely consider both aspect, physical appearance and whats within that beauty face. Yeah, nowadays you can find a lot of woman who has gorgeous figure, but there is not much of them that has both inner and outer beauty.

   I am totally agree with the quote from the picture above which is made by Jeannette (I don’t even know her, but never mind she has a good point though). Once you recognize that, you can feel confident and really reflect your beauty. It's not about size, proportion or symmetry. It rather is aligning who you are with who you show the world. Embrace your true self so that people can accept  who you really are once they realize your beauty.

  Before I end my writing, I would like to shed some light to those who are blindly struggle chasing to look beauty physically. Well let me tell you something, true beauty does not come from your beauty products or the clothes you wear. So PLEASE STOP   chasing that beauty, trust me you are more than that, you are way more beauty if you find the meaning of true beauty.

 I think I have to stop now. My laptop is running out of battery. But wait, I want to leave you guys with a question, hope you guys will share your answer with me. The question is in the picture below by the way. Have a great day everyone and stay awesome guys. Hope you guys find the definition of the true beauty and feel free to leave a comment and share your opinion. Bye.

-Muhammad Iqram


  1. nice points you got there qere haha

  2. I'm gonna answer your last question.My definition of true beauty is a good heart. Nice post you got there Qere!

  3. True beauty is being true to yourself..


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